Conferences (reviewed)

  • Schmelt, A.S.; Li, Z.; Marhenke, T.; Hasener, J.; Twiefel, J. (2020): Aussagefähigkeit von Fehlstellenimitaten in der ZfPTagungsband DAGA 2020 - 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik | File |
    ISBN: 978-3-939296-17-1
  • A. S. Schmelt; E. C. Fischer; V. Hofmann; J. Twiefel; M. C. Wurz (2019): Vibro-tactile displays for stimulating surface impressionsPROCEEDINGS of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics 9 to 13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany, pp. 1000-1007 | File |
    ISBN: ISSN 2226-7808 and 2415-1599 ISBN 978-3-939296-15-7
  • A. S. Schmelt; T. Marhenke; J. Twiefel (2019): Identifying objects in a 2D-space utilizing a novel combination of a re-radiation based method and of a difference-image-methodPROCEEDINGS of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics 9 to 13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany, pp. 8156-8163 | File |
    ISBN: ISSN 2226-7808 and 2415-1599 ISBN 978-3-939296-15-7
  • A. S. Schmelt, E. C. Fischer, M. C. Wurz and J. Twiefel (2018): Solid State Joint Actuator for a Vibro Tactile Line Display,ACTUATOR 2018; 16th International Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Germany, 2018, pp. 1-4VDE Verlag | File |
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-4675-0
  • Fischer, E.; Glukhovskoy, A.; Schmelt, A., S.; Twiefel, J.; Wurz, M.,C. (2017): Mikroaktorik für ein Taktiles DisplayProceedings of the MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017, October 23–25, 2017 München, S. 515-518

Journal (reviewed)

  • Schmelt, A. S.; Twiefel, J. (2020): Flaw Detection on a Tilted Particleboard by Use of the Spec-Radiation MethodMDPI Appl. Sci. More info
  • Schmelt, A.S.; Marhenke, T.; Hasener, J.; Twiefel, J. (2020): Investigation and Enhancement of the Detectability of Flaws with a Coarse Measuring Grid and Air Coupled Ultrasound for NDT of Panel Materials Using the Re-Radiation MethodMDPI-applied science | File |
    DOI: 10.3390/app10031155
  • Schmelt, A.S.; Twiefel, J. (2020): The Spec-Radiation Method as a Fast Alternative to the Re-Radiation Method for the Detection of Flaws in Wooden ParticleboardsMDPI Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6663 | File |
  • Andreas S. Schmelt, Viktor Hofmann, Eike C. Fischer, Marc C. Wurz, Jens Twiefel (2018): Design and characterization of the lateral actuator of a bimodal tactile display with two excitation directionsDisplays, Volume 54, September 2018, Pages 34-46 | File |